
Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources

Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources

I. 目的

Macomb 社区 大学 provides computer systems, 网络和/或其他信息技术资源(统称), “IT资源”) to students, 教师, 工作人员, contractors and visitors (collectively, “用户”).  学院期望所有使用者以尊重他人的方式使用资讯科技资源, 道德, and lawful manner that is consistent with:

  •  马科姆社区学院的学术和机构目标;
  •  Applicable laws and regulations;
  •  Applicable confidentiality obligations and agreements;
  •  The highest 道德 principles;
  •  The intellectual property and privacy rights of others; and
  •  马科姆社区学院的信息技术运作, 安全, 表演, availability and system infrastructure interests. 


II. 范围和访问范围 

Anyone using Macomb 社区 大学’s IT资源, including the 大学’s wired and wireless networks, is subject to the provisions of this Policy. 

使用Macomb社区学院IT资源是一种特权,而不是权利.  Inappropriate use of IT资源, as determined by 大学 administration, 可能导致暂停或终止特权和/或其他纪律处分.

3. Collaborative Evolution

Information technology environments evolve, so Macomb 社区 大学 will support a Technology Advisory Committee consisting of 教师 members, 管理员, 总法律顾问, 和IT领导.  The Technology Advisory Committee will meet periodically to review this Policy and propose updates or amendments.

IV. 指导原则

  1. 非公开论坛.  Macomb社区学院的IT资源是非公开论坛.  学院保留限制或限制访问和使用IT资源的权利, 并进行监控, record and review any User’s use of IT资源.
  2. Creativity Encouraged.  信息技术资源的目的是用来促进马科姆社区学院的教学, 学术, 公共服务, 研究, operational and administrative objectives.  The 大学 community is encouraged to make innovative and creative use of IT资源 in support of these purposes.
  3. Copyrighted Materials.  Macomb 社区 大学 recognizes the importance of 版权 and other protections afforded to the creators of intellectual property. Users are responsible for making sure their use of software and other IT资源 is in accordance with 版权 and licensing restrictions and applicable 大学 policies. 使用 IT资源 in a manner that violates these protections or that furthers the unauthorized use or sale of 受保护的 intellectual property violates this Policy and is prohibited.
  4. 攻击性的材料.  Macomb 社区 大学 cannot protect individuals against the receipt of or exposure to offensive material. Individuals who use the 大学’s IT resources may receive or be exposed to material that they might find offensive.
  5. 明智地使用它.  提供资讯科技资源,以支持学院的学术, educational and administrative activities.  IT资源 are limited, and should be 使用 in a responsible, 专业的态度,并考虑他人的权利和需要.
  6. 安全.  个人使用IT资源的用户自行承担风险.  Macomb社区学院不能保证任何IT资源的安全或持续运行.  Those who make personal information available about themselves through the Internet or other electronic media may expose themselves to identity theft or other invasions of privacy.

V. User Responsibilities

  1. Login/authentication credential 安全.  访问所有学院IT资源需要用户认证.  Users bear responsibility for supplementing 安全 mechanisms by using systems in a manner that preserves the privacy of themselves and others.  When passwords are 使用, 用户应该创建不易被猜到或泄露的强密码.  用户必须采取适当的预防措施来确保其凭证的安全性, 防止他人接触到这些信息,并将其视为私人信息. Convenience of file or printer sharing or out of office coverage is not a sufficient reason for sharing computer account credentials.
  2. 禁止的行为. 在使用学校IT资源时,禁止以下行为, 包括Macomb社区学院拥有或运营的计算机和网络, or  any use of the 大学’s IT resources to access an off-campus network or system to circumvent prohibited practices.
    1. 使用, duplicating or transmitting 版权ed or licensed material without first obtaining the owner's permission, 无论如何, 包括使用点对点(P2P)文件共享软件, 这可能被合理地认为构成侵权, or that exceeds the scope of a license, or violates other contracts;
    2. Tampering with software license protections or 安全 restrictions placed on computer applications or files;
    3. 利用大学信息技术资源为个人牟利, 或者做广告, 征求, 经营与马科姆社区学院无关的其他商业目的的企业;
    4. 在电子邮件或电子通信中冒充其他用户或以其他方式伪造用户名;
    5. 未经行政批准擅自修改系统、网络设施的, 有辱人格的, physically damaging or disrupting a network, hindering access to a network, overburdening a network, or otherwise excessively using resources in a manner which effectively denies service to other users;
    6. 创建, sending or forwarding chain letters, 垃圾邮件, “垃圾邮件”或2003年《365bet体育在线网址》中进一步定义的其他类似类型的广播信息
    7. 使用 IT资源 in a manner that is disruptive of the workplace or educational purpose of the 大学, 或者妨碍该机构的效力或者使命的;
    8. 使用 IT资源 to access, 商店, or transmit pornographic material, unless such use is for legitimate academic purposes;
    9. Sending messages that are malicious or that a reasonable person would find to be harassing or threatening;
    10. Subverting restrictions associated with computer accounts;
    11. 使用 IT资源 to obtain unauthorized access to records, data, or other forms of information owned, 使用, 被, or pertaining to the 大学 or individuals;
    12. Obtaining another's login/authentication credentials, including through the negligence or oversight of another to improperly gain access to computers or network systems, data or information;
    13. 故意引入恶意计算机代码(病毒、蠕虫、rootkit等).)或其他恶意程序进入所连接的IT资源, 属于, 被许可, or are leased by Macomb 社区 大学 or others;
    14. 以违反任何适用法律的任何方式使用或鼓励他人使用IT资源, 工作规则, 或学院政策;
    15. 不如实举报或控告他人违反本政策的行为, without a good faith basis for such an accusation;
  3. 大学形象.  Users should remember that information distributed through the 大学's IT资源 may be considered a form of publication. 虽然马科姆社区学院不对个人发出的材料负责, Users must recognize that third parties may perceive anything generated at Macomb 社区 大学 as in some manner having been produced under Macomb 社区 大学 auspices.  相应的, Users are reminded to exercise appropriate language, 行为, and style in their use of IT资源.
VI. Privacy and Confidentiality
  1. 用户应尊重其他用户的隐私和安全利益, 即使其他人使用的设备和系统没有物理或密码保护.
  2. Users must comply with applicable privacy laws.
  3. Users shall not access another User’s account(s), 或在未经明确许可的情况下探索密码保护区域.
  4. Users will not sell or share data, browsing history or usage patterns to third-party retailers, marketing companies or vendors.  No expectation of privacy should be assumed, 然而, given capabilities of commercial firms to collect this data outside of the 大学’s network through browsing activity.
  5. Users shall not use the 大学’s IT资源 to download or transmit confidential or proprietary information belonging to the 大学 to third parties without a formal confidentiality or data sharing agreement approved by 总法律顾问.
  6. Users shall not download, 转移, or transmit personally identifiable information in violation of the Federal Educational Records Privacy Act, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, or any other applicable state or federal law. 授权下载, 转移, 或个人身份信息的传输应使用安全的方法(例如.g. encryption or credential-受保护的 technique). 当使用电子邮件分享受这些法律保护的信息时, and only when email is an approved communications medium, 大学 employees must only use their Macomb.Edu电子邮件帐户.  Similarly, when email is 使用 to send 受保护的 information to students, 它只能发送到主电子邮件帐户,因为它出现在正式的学生记录.
  7. Users shall not copy, download or transmit confidential student or college data, Social 安全 Numbers, 信用卡号, 教育记录或类似的敏感信息存储在便携式大容量存储设备(例如.e. thumb/jump/flash drive, 移动硬盘, “SD”牌, MP3播放器, CD or DVD) or off premise (hosted/’cloud’) based storage systems that are not 受保护的 by (accessed through) the 大学’s IT 安全 management system using employee credentials without written authorization from 总法律顾问.

7. Policy Administration

  1. 大学 Access to Your Files and Use of IT资源.  Macomb 社区 大学 encourages all members of its community to use electronic resources in a manner that is respectful of others.  Macomb 社区 大学 can monitor and record IT Resource activity of all devices using its IT systems for 安全 related breach patterns, 攻击, 涉嫌滥用或从事可能违反本政策的活动.  学院保留检查学院拥有的任何设备上的任何文件的权利. 学院为善意的目的保留这些权利,包括但不限于:
    1. 执行就业政策和反骚扰政策, 非法歧视和威胁个人安全;
    2. 防止或限制对学院IT资源的损害;
    3. 遵守法院命令、传票或其他合法可执行的发现请求;
    4. 调查和防止发布专有软件或文本的电子副本, data, media or images in disregard of 版权, 许可证, (四)其他违反合同、法律义务的;
    5. 保护计算机、网络、硬件、软件和数据的完整性;
    6. Preserving information and data;
    7. Upgrading or maintaining IT资源;
    8. Cooperating with law enforcement authorities in reporting and investigating suspected criminal activity.
  2. Terminating Your Use of IT资源. The 大学 may suspend or terminate the use of its computers and network systems when presented with evidence of a User's violation of 大学 policies, or federal or state laws, 或者,为了保护学院免受潜在的法律责任,这样做是明智的.
  3. 纪律处分. 用户应遵守本政策所规定的责任.  Abuse of IT资源 or privileges may subject the User to disciplinary action as established by applicable 大学 policies and/or collective bargaining agreements.
  4. 受公法约束.  The 大学 and Users must recognize that all members of the 大学 community are bound by federal and state laws pertaining to civil rights, 骚扰, 版权, 管理电子媒体使用的安全和其他法规. This Policy does not preclude enforcement under such laws.

8. 报告违反

  1. Allegations of student conduct that is believed to violate this Acceptable Use policy should be reported in writing to the Dean of Student Success.  Allegations of 教师 or 工作人员 conduct that is believed to violate this Acceptable Use Policy should be reported in writing to the Vice President for Human Resources.
  2. 确保举报违规后的任何诉讼程序的公正性, 提交报告的个人不得讨论或向他人提供指控的副本.

Approved by President’s Council